Analisis Penerimaan Learning Management System Institut Teknologi Garut Menggunakan Technology Acceptance Model


  • Asri Mulyani Institut Teknologi Garut, Kabupaten Garut
  • Dede Kurniadi Institut Teknologi Garut, Kabupaten Garut
  • Mita Hidayani Putri Institut Teknologi Garut, Kabupaten Garut



Kemajuan teknologi dari masa ke masa terus berkembang secara pesat dalam bermacam bidang salah satunya dalam bidang pendidikan. Pendidikan mempunyai kedudukan yang sangat berarti dalam upaya kenaikan mutu seseorang, tetapi dengan kemunculan wabah penyakit Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) menyebabkan lahirnya tatanan gaya hidup baru secara global. Civitas akademika Institut Teknologi Garut selain mematuhi peraturan dari pemerintah juga mengikuti perkembangan pendidikan berbasis teknologi informasi yang bersifat interaktif dengan menggunakan aplikasi Learning Management System sebagai pendukung proses pembelajaran jarak jauh dimasa wabah penyakit Covid-19. Dikarenakan Learning Management System (LMS)  di Institut Teknologi Garut baru digunakan, maka penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis penerimaan Learning Management System Institut Teknologi Garut menggunakan metode Technology Acceptance Model, untuk mengetahui pengukuran pengaruh antar konstruk sekaligus sebagai barometer adaptasi penerimaan pengguna terhadap sistem LMS yang digunakan. Dalam penelitian ini pengolahan data analisis memakai Structural Equation Modeling melalui tools Statistical Product and Service Solution dan Analysis of Moment Structures. Penelitian ini menghasilkan tingkat penerimaan pengguna terhadap Learning Management System dengan nilai probabilitas dibawah 5% yaitu 0,000 dan pengaruh antar konstruk Technology Acceptance Model dengan 3 hipotesis yang diterima ialah variabel Persepsi kemudahan memengaruhi Persepsi kegunaan, Persepsi kegunaan memengaruhi Niat penggunaan, dan Niat penggunaan memengaruhi Penggunaan nyata.



Technological advances from time to time continue to develop rapidly in various fields, one of which is in the field of education. Education has a very significant role in efforts to improve one's quality, but the emergence of the Corona Virus Disease 2019 outbreak has led to the birth of a new lifestyle order globally. In addition to complying with government regulations, the Garut Institute of Technology academic community also follows the development of interactive information technology-based education with the use of informative applications through electronic media in order to get efficient results, namely the Learning Management System. Because the Learning Management System at the Garut Institute of Technology has just been used, a study entitled Learning Management System Acceptance Analysis of the Garut Institute of Technology uses the Technology Acceptance Model Method, to determine the measurement of the influence between constructs as well as a benchmark for adapting user acceptance to the system used. In this research, data analysis is processed using Structural Equation Modeling through Statistical Product and Service Solution tools and Analysis of Moment Structures. This study resulted in the level of user acceptance of the Learning Management System with a probability value below 5%, namely 0.000 and the influence between the constructs of the Technology Acceptance Model with 3 accepted hypotheses, namely the variable Perception of convenience affects Perception of usefulness, Perception of usefulness affects Intention of use, and Intention of use affects Real use . It is hoped that the results of this research can be used as a reference for developers to continue to optimize the functionality of the Learning Management System so that it can be used optimally.


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Ilmu Komputer

Cara Mengutip

Analisis Penerimaan Learning Management System Institut Teknologi Garut Menggunakan Technology Acceptance Model. (2023). Jurnal Teknologi Informasi Dan Ilmu Komputer, 10(4), 843-850.