Teknologi Opinion Mining untuk Mendukung Strategic Planning


  • Dwi Rolliawati UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
  • Khalid Khalid UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya
  • Indri Sudanawati Rozas UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya




Banjir data di era Big Data sudah tidak bisa terelakkan lagi. Termasuk di dalamnya data yang sangat melimpah di media sosial daring. Peluang inilah yang ditangkap sebagai alasan utama pada penelitian ini. Opinion mining sebagai salah satu teknologi dalam mengolah data teks untuk memperoleh arah informasi dari komentar/opini masyarakat. Mengambil obyek penelitian UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis opini masyarakat tentang kampus Islam terbesar di Surabaya. Sehingga bisa menjadi pendukung keputusan bagi pihak manajemen untuk merumuskan perencanaan strategis terwujudnya visi World Class University. Penelitian ini menggunakan 4009 data sampel berbahasa Indonesia yang diambil dari opini masyarakat di media sosial Twitter dalam kurun waktu dua tahun terakhir (2017 – 2018). Dari 4009 data dihasilkan 31837 jenis kata setelah melalui proses stop-word removal. Berdasarkan analisis sentiment menggunakan pendekatan Vader dan Liu yang divisualisasikan melalui grafik K-Means, dihasilkan bahwa opini publik terhadap UIN Sunan Ampel mengarah pada sentimen ’netral’ sebesar 97,54%, sedangkan sentiment positif =2,16%, dan sentiment negatif = 0,34%. Hasil tersebut membuktikan bahwa Information Capital tentang UIN Sunan Ampel perlu diperkuat menuju nilai “positif”. Sehingga diperlukan upaya maksimal untuk membangun innovation and commercially supremacy, perception (public relation) dan scalability strategies supaya internal operation bisa handal untuk ketercapaian visi misi UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya.



Data deluge in Big Data era is inevitable, this including a very abundant data in online social media. This phenomenon  was chosen as the main background reason in this research. Opinion mining is as one of the technologies in processing text data to obtain information direction from public comments/opinions. Taking the object of research at Sunan Ampel Islamic State University Surabaya, this study aims to analyze public community opinion toward the biggest Islamic campus in Surabaya. Hopefully,  it would be beneficial as decisional support for management in formulating strategic planning to manifest the World Class University vision. This study uses 4009 Indonesian language sample data taken from public opinion on Twitter social media in the past two years (2017 - 2018). Out from 4009 data, 31837 types of words are obtained after going through a stop-word removal process. Based on sentiment analysis by Vader and Liu’s approach which was visualized by K-Means graphs, the finding was that 97,54% of public opinion toward Sunan Ampel Islamic State University Surabaya led to a 'neutral' sentiment, while positive = 2,16% and negative=0,34%. These results prove that Information Capital about Sunan Ampel UIN needs to be strengthened towards "positive" image. For this reason, maximum effort is needed to build innovation and commercialization of supremacy, perception (public relations) and scalability strategies so that internal operations can be reliable in achieving the vision of Sunan Ampel Islamic State University Surabaya.


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Ilmu Komputer

Cara Mengutip

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